You NEED this book!
You NEED this book!


I do NOT want to go to Sleep!

by Aunt Goodiebags and Nancy Smith


ISBN:  978-0-9639745-7-0


The story of a little girl who is just too busy to go to bed!

You can purchase this book in our online store!

(Special web price: $12.00)


(Please contact us if you want the book shipped outside of the US

 so we can calculate the shipping before you purchase.  Thanks.) 

I had an eBook version available in the iBooks bookstore. I just found out that a newer version of iBooks made some of the audio do strange things.

I will try to fix it-- BUT-- in the meantime...,


<-- Clicking on the book image will take you to a place where you can read the eBook online (for FREE).


The eBook was made using Book Creator (such an amazing program!).

The animation/video at the end was made using HyperStudio (another amazing program!) and iMovie.

I found an old version of the eBook in one of my digital libraries and  was so happy that our grand-niece Marissa's original 6 year-old voice was still intact!

Once I get the iBook version working again I will probably take down this link. So for now-- ENJOY!